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What is the Impact Calculator?

The OEKO-TEX® Impact Calculator provides an assessment of the materials and processes that contribute most to environmental impact, so that production facilities can target their reduction efforts. This OEKO-TEX® tool calculates the water and carbon footprint for:

  • Each process step
  • The overall process
  • 1 kg of material/product

Voluntary use of the tool is included for any facility applying for (or currently holding) an OEKO-TEX® STeP Certificate.

How can the Impact Calculator support you?

Understanding and reporting carbon emissions and water usage will be a basic business requirement in the future.

Consumers and brands are holding companies accountable for climate action. Over 100 fashion brands have signed the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, committing to reducing GHG emissions 30% by 2030. According to a CDP industry comparison, the apparel sector is underperforming in measurement and monitoring its water impacts. We must use data to:

  • Understand production-related carbon emissions and water usage
  • Identify which processes have highest environmental impacts
  • Act to reduce carbon and water impacts
  • Report results and reduction measures to customers

Hohenstein - your reliable OEKO-TEX® partner - wherever you are.

Impact Calculator - Concept

Basics - what is an LCA?

What is a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)?

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a framework for analyzing potential environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle of a product (or service), many based on ISO 14040 and 14044 standards.

There are three LCA types:

  • Product LCAs measure the impacts of a single product throughout its value chain

  • Comparative LCAs weigh the impacts of products (e.g. T-Shirt made of cotton vs. viscose)

  • Corporate LCAs assess an organization’s entire footprint and usually focus only on carbon (not water) footprint

The OEKO-TEX® Impact Calculator combines elements of all three, customised to the textile industry.


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