The OEKO-TEX® Impact calculator is a so-called Screening LCA and was developed over three years of intensive research and testing with Quantis (sustainability consultancy).
Screening LCAs are less resource and time intensive than a full LCA, yet provide sufficient and credible insight to identify a facility’s biggest carbon emissions and water impacts. The OEKO-TEX® calculator addresses the needs and processes specific to textile production.
The OEKO-TEX® Impact Calculator incorporates:
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol - IPCC 2013 100a approach for calculating carbon emissions (CO2e)
- EU Commission - AWARE methodology to measure the water impacts (m3)
- World Apparel and Footwear Database (WALDB) and ecoinvent database
- Elements of the product LCA to measure the impacts of material output
- Elements from the Corporate LCA to measure the overall facility level impact
Data from the calculations will be used to continuously improve the tool.