Việt Nam
Event type :
Subject area :
Textile Care / Leasing
Venue :
Sheraton Imperial Hotel
4700 Emperor Blvd.
27703 Durham, NC
United States
Organizer :
American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC)

Hear Hohenstein speak at the AATCC Antibacterial & Odor Control: Marketing & Technology Advancements Conference.

The conference will focus on regulations and consumer marketing claims, novel technologies geared towards reducing pathogenic bacteria on medical/healthcare textiles, as well as sustainability of odor control chemistries, an important component of our industry now and well into the future.

  • Presentation:
    Body Odor and Clothing - Is Your Product Ready for the Fight?
    Ben Mead, Hohenstein Institute America, Inc. (Managing Director)

    The skin is the biggest human organ. Through our skin, we establish contact with our surroundings. We perceive movement and regulate our body temperature. Clothing is constantly with us, whether at work or in our free time. Our skin constantly comes into contact with the most varied types of textiles…even during sleep. 
Ben Mead
Managing Director
Hohenstein Americas